Francis Bast - Francisca - Fashion Designer and Graphyc

Francisca is a portuguese designer. She´s very shy, a workaholic, a great graphic designer. You wil…

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Diaconum Cosmin - Fashion Design

Diaconum Cosmin is a Fashion Designer from Romenia. Well, He´s alf Italian too. He developed an col…

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Rebecca Cennini - Fashion Designer

Rebecca Cennini is a beautiful Italian designer. She developed a great collection, called " Lo…

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Sophie Wager - Fashion Designer

Sophie Wager is a beautiful  English Fashion Designer. She knows alot about fashion, about women, a…

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Alejandro Martinez - Fashion Designer

Today I want to share with you a great collection developed by Alejandro Martinez. It´s a denim col…

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Cambridge School of Art - Anglia Ruskin University

Na semana passada fui a Cambridge para uma Visita à Anglia Ruskin University. Finalmente fui para e…

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